Warm Fuzzies

During the month of December, I read the book, Wild, by Cheryl Strayed. I won’t say that I enjoyed it. Not even a little. Truth is, I had to force myself to finish it. (I just HATE wasting my hard-earned money on books that I bought on a whim after reading a rave review). Wild is the true story of a young woman’s journey hiking more than a thousand miles of the Pacific Coast Trail - all by herself, with zero hiking experience. The book is gritty and harsh and shocking at times. Definitely not warm and fuzzy!
On the other hand, I embarked on a warm and fuzzy journey of my own during the holiday season. It was a journey to the fabric store. I bought several yards of soft, fuzzy fleece (sailboats, SF Giants, SF 49ers) to make no-sew blankets for all the boys in the family. The week before Christmas, I made a total of five fleece blankets, which involved cutting and tying about a bazillion knots. But here's the surprising part: it was actually quite therapeutic. Each night, I carefully laid out a blanket in my family room on the pool table and got to work. For entertainment, I watched a different Hallmark movie that I’d taped on DVR. In case you aren't aware, Hallmark movies are the epitome of warm and fuzzy. Yes, they are predictable. Yes, they can even be silly at times. But they are soothing and relaxing and oozing with hope. 
In the midst of the busy, harsh, tiring holiday season, I got to sit in my family room for a couple hours each night and feel strands of soft, pliable fabric between my fingers. I pulled, crossed and tied, over and over and over and over. And, as I tied each knot, I prayed over each of the guys. 
So, I wanted to add this to my gratitude list: knots. I’m knot ever going backpacking alone – that’s for dang sure. And I may knot ever make no-sew blankets again. But I’m glad I did it this year. It was a nice way to spend my evenings the week before Christmas.
Thank you, Jesus, for all things soft and warm and fuzzy.


  1. I have been doing something similar. I have been tying my stomach up in knots and then making a warm fuzzy run to the bathroom. That counts right?


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