I Got Some New Gratitude

Thank you, Patti LaBelle, for releasing one of the best pick-me-up kind of songs ever written back in 1985: "New Attitude”

“I'm feelin' good from my head to my shoes
Know where I'm goin' and I know what to do
I tidied up my point of view
I got a new attitude…”

As my year comes to a close, I’ve been reflecting. I’ve looked at photos. I’ve skimmed my journal. All in all, I’ve come to one conclusion: I need a whole new attitude!! Unlike the song, I haven’t always known where I’m going, or what to do. Heck, most of the time I felt like I walked around in the dark and continually stubbed my toe. I started this new blog (The Grass is Green Enough) because I wanted to focus on contentment and gratitude. That was in August. I guess it was a whim, and I petered out before I even wrote another post. That about sums up my year. Very. Petered. Out. 

So, 2015, my goal is to keep aiming for that new attitude of gratitude.I want to tidy up my point of view. Basically, I need to tilt myself back a little and start focusing upward more.

Hebrews 12: 2 – “Fixing my eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of my faith.”

For Christmas, a buddy gave me Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts Devotional.  I started a new gratitude journal on Christmas Day, and plan to fill it up this coming year. I’ve also been singing a little Patty LaBelle today. I'm hoping the message will sink in. 


  1. Ugh. Here is my first practice of an attitude of gratitude. I wrote a whole long response that deleted itself when I clicked on "preview" so I could see if I had any typos! Lord thank you for my computer and my fingers to type...lol. I am so happy you are starting your words back up, Mar. I have missed them. Thank you for letting peek into your world.


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