Warm Fuzzies

During the month of December, I read the book, Wild , by Cheryl Strayed. I won’t say that I enjoyed it. Not even a little. Truth is, I had to force myself to finish it. ( I just HATE wasting my hard-earned money on books that I bought on a whim after reading a rave review). Wild is the true story of a young woman’s journey hiking more than a thousand miles of the Pacific Coast Trail - all by herself, with zero hiking experience. The book is gritty and harsh and shocking at times. Definitely not warm and fuzzy! On the other hand, I embarked on a warm and fuzzy journey of my own during the holiday season. It was a journey to the fabric store. I bought several yards of soft, fuzzy fleece (sailboats, SF Giants, SF 49ers) to make no-sew blankets for all the boys in the family. The week before Christmas, I made a total of five fleece blankets, which involved cutting and tying about a bazillion knots. ...