Experiencing God
Most days, there is very little on Facebook that peaks my interest. In fact, I only glance at it about once a week, if that. But this morning, someone posted something that really got me thinking. Here is what it said: Ask Christians what they believe about God, and most will have a good deal to say. However, ask the same people what they know about God from direct experience, and most will have much less to say. Many speak of knowing their sins have been forgiven. Some will speak of answers to prayer or a sense of God's presence. But many will fall strangely silent. Many - even evangelicals who talk the most about a personal relationship with God - will not have much to say about how they actually experience God in that relationship. A.W.Tozer notes that most of us who call ourselves Christians do so on the basis of belief more than experience. We have, he argues, "substituted theological ideas for an arresting encounter; we are full of religious notions but our great w...