Living In The Moment

What does it really mean to live in the moment?  To be fully present, experiencing each minute of life and all that it has to offer?  Well, I know what it doesn’t mean.  Going through robotic motions each day without any thought.  Work.  Eat.  Run errands.  Pay bills.  Clean, do laundry, and perform chores around the house.  Talk to others while spinning a continual to-do list through my mind, rather than carefully listening.  Smile.  Nod my head.  I’m fine.  What did you say?  Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.  Skim through emails and texts without thoroughly reading them.  It’s a wonder I get anything done at all.  Talk about squirrels and distractions.  Yikes!


I know I’m being hard on myself.  During some life seasons, we’re lucky to just get through the day.  This past year has definitely been like that.


But today.  Today, I lived in the moment.  Surprisingly, it was cloudy and rainy, but absolutely gorgeous!  From the minute I woke up, I took it all in.  I woke up on our sailboat to the sound of thunder and the tap tap tap of raindrops on the roof.  I felt the sway of the boat as a cool breeze gently rocked us.  It was lovely.  Especially since Sacramento is experiencing a record heat wave this week.  I headed down to the boat yesterday for a quiet escape while Don teaches a sailing class.  Best decision I ever made.

It was so tempting to hunker down with my coffee this morning and not venture out, but I was so glad I did.  I went for an hour-long walk along a peaceful trail overlooking the marina.  The trail snakes around a point and then leads to the other side with a view of the San Francisco Bay and the city skyline off in the distance.  As I walked along, I took it all in.  Each gray cloud, the rays of light bursting through, lightening zipping across the sky, the cool reflections on the water, squawky seagulls, honking geese, colorful flowers, the cool wind on my face.  I noticed each and every detail.

As I think back on it, I can close my eyes and re-live the walk.  I also snapped a few photos with my phone - not that I need them to remember.


Speaking of photos, I’ve been scanning photos this summer, since the pandemic has left us all housebound. It’s been an ongoing project.  The other night, I scanned family pictures from 1995-1997.  So many great photos.  No idea the story behind them.  I think many of those moments were a blur!  With four kids, I was definitely in survival mode most of the time.  My mindful to-do list was on perpetual steroids!  Talk about squirrels!  Was I ever fully present?  Gosh, I hope so!


Three weeks ago, one of my dearest friends lost her husband quite unexpectedly.  It rocked everyone’s world.  It was definitely too soon.  It really makes me want me to slow down and take in each moment.  What if today is my last, and I just don’t know it?  What if it’s yours?  It sure puts things into perspective, that’s for sure.


Today was a good start.  I know it’s not always easy, and most days are not as beautiful as the walk I took at the marina, but still, I want to live in the moment.  I want to enjoy my family and friends.  I want to do my best at work.  I want to tell the people I love what I feel.  I want to be a good listener.  How about you?  How can you live in the moment?


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