Missing Adam - My Nature Boy

Hi Adam. I took an early-morning walk yesterday and thought of you. Not that I don’t think about you every single day, every hour, sometimes every minute, because I do. But when I’m out in nature, I think about you the most. I know you would have loved watching the sun climbing up into the sky yesterday. It was so peaceful and beautiful.  

It’s been three months today since you left us. I miss you so much. I wonder what you are doing right now. The Bible says, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9). I’m sure the nature scenes you’re seeing are much more amazing than anything I could ever imagine. I can’t wait to enjoy them with you some day.

I still remember the first time you ventured out into the Desolation Wilderness by yourself for a week. We were so worried! You came home so happy (and stinky!). You were all scratched up, but filled with joy over having spent time exploring rocks and streams and trails.  

That’s how I will always remember you. Curled up in a chair with that satisfied grin on your face. I sure loved the fearless explorer in you. From the time you were little, you loved the outdoors, camping, hiking, climbing… you couldn’t get enough of it!!

Before Jesus left this earth, he told his disciples, “Let not your hearts be troubled.
 Believe in God: believe also in me.  In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I would go prepare a place for you?” Instead of a new room, I wonder if He prepared a beautiful mountain for you to scale?  New forests to explore?  Lakes to swim? 

For now, I’ll just keep enjoying the earthly nature around me, taking a few moments to breathe it all in, listening to the unique sounds, and I’ll think of you. Just know that you are missed.


  1. I love you, Mary. You are a wonderful mother and I can't imagine how much your heart hurts. Thank you for sharing some of your feelings with us. I always feel more aware of God's presence in nature. Perhaps Adam did too. You and your family are always in my prayers. xoxox

  2. Mar, he is your nature. Ps 23 makes me think heaven really is outdoors. ✝️💕


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