Half Full or Half Empty?
Optimist or Pessimist? Which type of person am I? Glass half full, or glass half empty? That's a good question. I guess it depends on the day. Some days, I'm an optimist, everything is rainbows and butterflies. Other days, molehills are mountains, and the world is coming to an end. To be honest, I think I have the capacity for both. But here's the thing I've learned, I ALWAYS have a choice about my attitude, how I choose to handle whatever life hands me, and what I am going to focus on. Is my mind parked on remembering - and being grateful for - the positive moments? Or am I only focusing on whatever went wrong today?

Monday was a good example. We took Connor to visit Auntie Val while she was house/horse sitting for a friend. We thought it might be fun for him to meet Tahoe the horse. The visit got off to a bumpy start, however. As soon as we got out of the car, Connor tripped on the sidewalk and skinned his knee. He didn't just cry, he let out a blood curdling scream to match the blood dripping down his little knee. Poor little honey. Grandma picked him up and surveyed the scrape, which required a washing and a band-aid. Turns out, it was his first band- aid ever. Oh, the trauma.
Eventually, we ventured out to the yard to meet Tahoe. Such joy, smiles, giggles, and laughter. Connor got to pet him, and even leaned down and touched noses. So cute! It was the highlight of the day. I'm so glad I captured a couple of photos and videos. At the end of the day, I looked back on our adventures. Events during our visit fell on opposite ends of the spectrum: absolute despair to complete joy. I felt bad about the skinned knee, which could have easily been avoided had I been holding his hand. I could have beat myself up about my negligence; but stuff happens. On the other hand, I was so glad that we made the trip out to Carmichael for Connor to meet Tahoe. It really was a sweet moment. That's the moment I'm choosing to focus on. It was a joy-full, glass half full day, for sure!

Monday was a good example. We took Connor to visit Auntie Val while she was house/horse sitting for a friend. We thought it might be fun for him to meet Tahoe the horse. The visit got off to a bumpy start, however. As soon as we got out of the car, Connor tripped on the sidewalk and skinned his knee. He didn't just cry, he let out a blood curdling scream to match the blood dripping down his little knee. Poor little honey. Grandma picked him up and surveyed the scrape, which required a washing and a band-aid. Turns out, it was his first band- aid ever. Oh, the trauma.
Eventually, we ventured out to the yard to meet Tahoe. Such joy, smiles, giggles, and laughter. Connor got to pet him, and even leaned down and touched noses. So cute! It was the highlight of the day. I'm so glad I captured a couple of photos and videos. At the end of the day, I looked back on our adventures. Events during our visit fell on opposite ends of the spectrum: absolute despair to complete joy. I felt bad about the skinned knee, which could have easily been avoided had I been holding his hand. I could have beat myself up about my negligence; but stuff happens. On the other hand, I was so glad that we made the trip out to Carmichael for Connor to meet Tahoe. It really was a sweet moment. That's the moment I'm choosing to focus on. It was a joy-full, glass half full day, for sure!
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