
My friends were absolutely right. Being a grandma is like nothing I've ever experienced. I feel so blessed to be able to enjoy my little Con Bon (it's like a Bon Bon, but sweeter). Living close makes all the difference. I can stop by for baby kisses whenever I want! 

When Jackie returned to work in mid-June, we started watching Con Bon on Mondays. Each week, our little nugget just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Not to mention, more active! It's so fun to see him learning new things and exploring the world around him. I try to just soak up and enjoy each moment. His first year is already more than half over.

Thank you, Lord, for sweet giggles, and drool, and nap time cuddles.  Who knew what simple entertainment we could find just taking walks with the stroller or staying home and crawling all over the house to experience the sheer joy of tasting every object within reach! 


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