
Plans. Have you ever heard the phrase, "Fail to plan, plan to fail"? I've always embraced the idea of at least trying to get some ducks in a row, get a date on the calendar, secure a reservation, put together a to-do list, etc. But, lets face it, sometimes our best laid plans still fail. Sometimes stuff just happens. 

Take Saturday, for example. Don and I each had plans later in the day - he with all of our boys, which would involve a fun afternoon/eve at Top Golf. Me, a movie and dinner to celebrate my sister's birthday. At 2:00 pm, we were both going to head out in different directions. Only one tiny little problem. On Friday night, we heard a loud "bam" that sounded like a gun shot coming from our garage (Did something fall?) Nope. The wire that pulls our garage door open snapped. This would not have been an immediate-fix type issue if it hadn't been for the fact that we couldn't open the door. Our cars were both literally held hostage.

This prompted a call to a repairman, who promised he'd be at our house between 10:00-12:00 Saturday. Nevertheless, a follow up call came informing us that one of his guys called in sick, so he couldn't come until the evening.

Now what? Thankfully, we figured out a ride to both our destinations. The door eventually got fixed in the evening. $365 later! It just got me thinking. Sometimes stuff just happens, doesn't it? Totally unexpected. One minute, you have money in your bank account. The next minute, you don't. One minute, you are healthy, the next minute, you're flat on your face, broken and bruised. Or the phone rings with bad news. Or your boss calls you into his/her office. The list is endless.

Thursday night, the sky was blue, dotted with huge cotton balls. I headed out for a 2-mile nature walk. There I was, strolling along, praying and praising God, when all of a sudden - torrential downpour. Needless to say, I hightailed it for about 15 minutes, totally soaked, not even able to see through my glasses.Yikes! Talk about a change of plans. And then, just like that, it stopped. A rainbow streaked acrossed the sky.

Yep, we can make our plans, but they can change at any point. Ultimately, God is the one in control. Sometimes we get wet. Sometimes we have to improvise and be flexible. In truth, we have ZERO control. Still, we can try to plan ("try" is the key word). So hard for me! This girl wishes she could control the outcome.

Proverbs 16:1 - "We can make our plans, but the final outcome is in God's hands."

Dear Lord, please help me to remember that.  Amen.


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