
"Show hospitality to one another without grumbling" (1 Peter 4:9)

I recently attended an amazing funeral for a dearly loved woman at our church. Barbara touched so many lives during her 79 years on this earth that the sanctuary was packed! In hearing the stories about her, the most evident thing was that she always took time for people. She lived out hospitality in her day-to-day life everywhere she went. She made others feel welcome, whether it was in her home, at Bible study, or in the church lobby. I don’t doubt that she was intimately acquainted with the goings on of her mailman, hair dresser, and local grocery store checkers/courtesy clerks as well. Barbara asked questions. She was genuinely interested in others’ lives. She listened. Most of all, she was a devout woman of prayer. 
Barbara truly lived out 1 Peter 4:9. But how did she manage to balance the whole “Mary/Martha” thing so well? I was thinking about the idea of hospitality today, and it occurs to me that it isn’t just about making coffee, offering someone a home-baked muffin, or clean sheets to sleep on. I think “emotional hospitality” is even more important. Just offering warmth, kindness, helpfulness, encouragement, wisdom and mentoring to others. I have a couple of friends who are very gifted at that. Ironically, neither is a Mary or Martha. They are both Pattys. 

These two women truly inspire me. I often see them pouring themselves out to encourage others through all sorts of ways: sharing texts, emails, Facebook posts, prayer requests, as well as spending one-on-one time with those who need mentoring. They regularly live out their faith at work, at home, at church, and within their families.They aren’t stingy in offering their time to others. In fact, one of the Pattys has had her extended family staying with her this past week. I don’t doubt that she’s been offering lots of emotional hospitality in addition to all the cooking, cleaning and extra bed thing. She does sound a bit tired. I’m sure it’s because she’s poured herself out; that’s just what she does. Both Pattys do. My prayer is that I can be more like them in the year to come. I want to be more hospitable. And Barbara? I'm sure she's super busy in heaven just sippin' coffee, chatting it up with Martha and Mary, and having a grand old time.


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