Good, Good Father

I just got back from our annual women's retreat in beautiful Lake Tahoe. The weekend was powerful, awesome and lovely as usual. One of the "nuggets" that I took home this year was the message in a new worship song we sang written by Pat Barrett and Tony Brown called "Good, Good Father". Oh my gosh! This song just slays me. Pass the Kleenex, please! 

The chorus says:
You’re a Good, Good Father
It’s who You are, It’s who You are, It’s who You are
and I’m loved by You
It’s who I am, It’s who I am, It’s who I am

What a beautiful picture of God's identity - and even more powerful is my identity in Him. I believe the song is especially sweet for those of us who had an Earthly father who was less than stellar. For someone whose father was harsh or abusive or critical or absent, it's often hard to unlearn that image of "Father" and to learn who our Heavenly Father truly is. The Bible tells us that God is loving, kind, compassionate, merciful, patient, and tender. He is good. Always. 

Thank you, Father, for loving me.  Thank you also for an awesome women's retreat this year. The theme, Awaken, says it all.  My heart has been awakened to your love for me.


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