Sweet Adventures
Recently, I spent a rainy day Monday with Con Bon. We stayed warm and cozy inside and found some fun things to do for entertainment, including playing a game of Candy Land. We each picked our colored gingerbread man, and off we went! “Connor, what did you draw?” “Blue!” “You get to move ahead two blue squares. Let’s count them. One, two!” Back and forth we went. Orange squares, green squares, yellow squares, blue squares. One square, two squares, and every once in a while, one of us got a special treat. The ice cream cone, the peppermint, or the lollipop. We didn’t totally follow the rules, though. We ignored the part about skipping a turn if you land on an X. We didn’t go backwards either. We did, however, take shortcuts if we landed on one. After all, Connor is only 2 ½. I wanted it to be fun. Eventually, we both arrived at King Kandy’s Castle and did a victory dance with our gingerbread men. Such is life in Candy Land. Real life not so much. Can I get...