A Simple Life on the Water
In 1854, Henry David Thoreau published his famous memoir, Walden Pond. The theme centers on simple, self-sufficient living in the midst of nature. For over two years, Thoreau lived by himself in a cabin he'd built by Walden Pond near Concord, Massachusetts. "I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life," says Thoreau, "to live so sturdily and Spartan like as to put to route all that was not life..." I can relate. As I sit on our 36-foot Islander here on D-Dock at Marina May, I can't help but think about those words written two centuries ago. Deep down, I want to cut away everything that weighs me down and simplify my life, too. Here on the boat, that's not hard to do. After all, there is less than 200 square feet of living space. Just the necessities: inside the cabin is a bed, a table, two little couches, a tiny bathroom, stove, kitchen sink, storage for pots and pans, a space heater and an ice box. There are only...